Badgie is a lead or potential customer generator. It can be much more effective than a social media ad.


Monetize your sports activities almost effortlessly.

Award badges to your students for their achievements and let them and their families take care of recommending your club to their friends.


Badgie generates 9x virality from each badge.

BADGIE competes in effectiveness with your social networks, but there is no comparison in the value of the post and the effort it requires.

While on a social network you invest time, creativity, and graphic material, BADGIE only needs one click to generate a message of much greater value.

And not only that, social media posts are generic, while BADGIE badges are personal. That's why the reading ratio is +10x more than an Instagram post.

Your students and their families make the best sales pitch.

The virality is completely organic: your students and their families will share their sports achievements with others.

And every time they share one of your badges, they showcase your club with pride.

Give your shared badges a call to action.

Each shared badge comes with a call-to-action button to attract new potential customers to your club.

You'll be generating campaigns to attract new students almost effortlessly.

Native lead generator.

If you've ever run a potential customer acquisition campaign, you know you need an agency to design the ad and set up each campaign.

BADGIE selects the perfect target audience for you (friends of the same age as your students) and the perfect ad: 'Join my club and improve with me'.