The fundamental feature of Badgie is its system for tracking the effort of your student.


Students more 'in love' with your club.

For both their families and your students, seeing their progress, effort, and skills will allow you to build stronger loyalty.


Being a BADGIE school is a big deal.

That's right, if your students practice other sports, it will be on their Badgie account where they can see their progress and feel proud of the clubs where they learn.

It will be their sense of pride that will further bind them to your club and the sports discipline you are teaching.

This 'medal collection' process will motivate them to improve and get the most out of each class they take in your clubs.

Badges that explain what they've learned.

Define your achievement scale by age and skills and start delivering them with a simple click.

It will be your teachers who, upon completing each block, decide to send them their new badge at the end of the class.

Each badge defines the level, sports discipline, skill, and the name of your club.

Badgie is capable of motivating your students.

BADGIE gives them one more reason to excel, improve, and strive.

Your teachers will notice the 'badgie effect' very soon, as BADGIE motivates them to put in more effort in each new class.

It's not just for them, it's also for their friends.

Your students and their parents will almost automatically share their achievements with friends and family.

This is the viral nature of our platform, each badge is shared an average of 9 times. Impressive, isn't it?